Graco Child Booster Seat Lawsuit

child booster seat lawsuit

Audet and Partners, LLP is investigating an increasing number of consumer complaints as part of a child booster seat lawsuit against Graco.  This class action lawsuit alleges that Graco, a Division of Newell Brands, DTC provided misleading information to consumers regarding the safety of Graco’s TurboBooster Highback Car Seat and its AFFIX Youth Booster Seat.  In short, the company heavily marketed these seats at safe for children weighing as little as thirty pounds.  Widely accepted scientific information, however, has suggested for some time that forward-facing booster seats are unsafe for any child weighing less than forty pounds.  Graco products are distributed through big-box retailers including Walmart and Target as well as online platforms including Amazon and its own website at

In addition, information suggests that Graco may have also falsely represented the side-impact safety of its Booster Seats.

The defects alleged in Graco’s Booster Seats as part of this child booster seat lawsuit are thought to have contributed to many documented and perhaps undocumented injuries to children using these Booster Seats who were involved in side-impact accidents.

The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.