BlazeMaster Resin CPVC Class Action Investigations: Exposing the Truth | Audet & Partners, LLP

Audet & Partners, LLP is investigating potential claims on behalf of condominium homeowner’s associations and other property owners that manufacturers and distributors of CPVC piping, widely used in sprinkler systems, was defectively prone to erosion, presenting serious danger to property owners in the event of fire.  In addition, it is suspected that these dangers were widely known for years within the industry but were withheld from property owners.  This defect is considered not to be remediable, and will likely require expensive replacement by property owners.

The suspected conspiracy involves several companies.  Lubrizol Corp. manufactured a resin called “Blazemaster” licensed to companies who then incorporated the resin into CPVC pipes commonly used in the construction of fire sprinkler systems.  It is now suspected that for years, steel pipe manufactured by Allied Steel, and commonly integrated into fire sprinkler systems, included an anti-microbial coating that has been found in numerous studies to erode the Blazemaster resin.  This erosion, it is suspected, renders piping especially susceptible to environmental stress cracking (“ESC”).  This cracking is what renders the pipes extremely dangerous in the event of a fire.

The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.