San Francisco Bay Oil Spill

Audet & Partners, LLP has filed a Class Action Lawsuit on behalf of all Commercial Fishing and Crabbing businesses that operate in the San Francisco Bay and surrounding coastlines for damages that have resulted from the recent oil spill. If you would like to discuss your potential case, join the Class Action, or learn more about the lawsuit, please call our toll-free number at 800.965.1461 to immediately speak with an attorney.

Cosco Busan Class Action


Audet & Partners, LLP has filed a Class Action Lawsuit on behalf of all Commercial Fishing and Crabbing businesses that operate in the San Francisco Bay and surrounding coastlines for damages that have resulted from the recent oil spill. If you would like to discuss your potential case, join the Class Action, or learn more about the lawsuit, please call our toll-free number at 800.965.1461 to immediately speak with an attorney.


The crash on November 7th ruptured two of the Cosco Busan fuel tanks, which
leaked about 58,000 gallons of heavy bunker fuel into the bay, killing sea birds and spurring the closure of nearly two dozen beaches and piers.

Bunker fuel from the Cosco Busan spill has drifted not only right over many of the prime fishing spots in the San Francisco bay but also into the Pacific, where it is affecting prime salmon and crabbing water before it washes ashore along the Marin coastline.

The most dramatic impact to fisheries, so far, has taken place in the San Francisco Bay, where a heavy coating of fuel remains around Angel Island and over the Berkeley Flats, which are considered some of the most productive halibut and striped bass haunts in the Bay.

The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.