SoftSheen Lawsuit Investigations: Unraveling Claims of Hair Loss & Injuries | Audet & Partners, LLP

Audet & Partners, LLP is investigation claims by increasing numbers of consumers that a hair relaxer manufactured by L’Oreal and sold under the SoftSheen brand, causes hair loss and a rash of other injuries.  Users of the SoftSheen Relaxer have alleged that the company promoted the product as a safe and effective solution for more full and silky hair, with an active ingredient of alma oil, also known as the gooseberry.

The L’Oreal product, widely sold in retailers including CVS and Walmart, was initially touted as a safer hair softening agent than lye-based relaxers.  Additional investigation, however, has suggested that the SoftSheen Relaxer may, in fact, contain no alma oil, but may instead contain one or more toxic substances that are resulting in injuries to users including:

• hair loss and breakage
• scalp irritation
• blistering
• burns

The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.