Transvaginal Mesh Implants

Between 2005 and 2010, tens of thousands of women received implants of transvaginal mesh, primarily to address problems associates with pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Unfortunately, it was not long before the United States Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") began receiving reports of adverse side effects in women receiving transvaginal mesh implants. The nature of these injuries described below, alarmingly common to women receving the vaginal mesh surgery, has led to the filing of more than 8,000 lawsuits in Federal District Court, now consolidated in West Virginia.

American Medication System(AMS) SETTLEMENT

On April 30th, 2014 Audet & Partners, LLP  reached an agreement with AMS regarding resolution of its Mesh cases.  The firm represents hundreds of AMS mesh clients and was able to reach an excellent result for its AMS clients.  The firm expects to provide details regarding the settlement to its clients in the next few weeks, as well as to commence implementation of the settlement process with the goal of paying clients settlement amounts in the near future.


Between 2005 and 2010, tens of thousands of women received implants of transvaginal mesh, primarily to address problems associates with pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Unfortunately, it was not long before the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) began receiving reports of adverse side effects in women receiving transvaginal mesh implants. The nature of these injuries described below, alarmingly common to women receving the vaginal mesh surgery, has led to the filing of more than 8,000 lawsuits in Federal District Court, now consolidated in West Virginia.

Common Injuries Associated with Transvaginal Mesh Implants

Transvaginal mesh lawsuits have been brought by thousands of women who have suffered the following serious side effects as a result of transvaginal mesh implants:

  • Pain
    • Mesh Erosion
    • Infection
    • Urinary Problems
    • Pain During Intercourse
    • Recurrence of preexisting problems

In addition, the FDA issued a public health warning in July 2011, stating the following additional problems associated with transvaginal mesh surgery:

• Complications associated with TVM are not associated with traditional surgery
• Problems associated with TVM continue despite removal of the mesh
• As much as 10% of the mesh may erode within one year of implant
• Problems continue after TVM removal as complete removal is often impossible due to absorption
• Complications of TVM often outweigh benefits of the procedure
• Surgery to implant TVM has a higher incidence of second surgery than any other vaginal surgery
• Post-TVM incontinence is more frequent than with traditional methods

How Audet and Partners, LLP Can Help You

Our attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience in defective productdefective medical device, consumer, class action, anti-trust and pharmaceutical litigation. When you work with an attorney at Audet & Partners, you can be assured of professional and experienced representation. Many of our attorneys have previously worked for some of the largest and oldest law firms in the country, and they bring that top notch experience here, for you. We have extensive experience in prosecuting claims for defective and dangerous medical devices similar to transvaginal mesh, and have an established track record in obtaining significant compensation for clients who have suffered serious injuries as a result of dangerous medical devices.

The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.

About Our Firm

Audet & Partners represents individuals, governmental entities, small businesses and institutional shareholders in product liability, tort, negligence, consumer, construction defect, investment fraud, securities, insider trading, antitrust, environmental, whistle blower, aviation and employment cases. In recognition of their outstanding abilities and commitment to the legal profession over the years, the firm and its members have served as Court-appointed Plaintiffs’ Counsel in dozens of federal and state cases throughout the United States.