BP Rampart Organic Shingles

BP Organic shingles are supposed to last for 25 years. According to numerous published complaints, these shingles often only last for a few years. According to published complaints, these shingles may only last for between 2 to 12 years.

BP (Building Products of Canada) “Rampart” Organic Shingles

BP Organic shingles are supposed to last for 25 years.  According to numerous published complaints, these shingles may only last for between 2 to 12 years.
Here are samples of typical complaints about these shingles:
  1. “My roof was installed in 1997. The shingles have bald spots, cracking and curling.”
  2. “I installed the shingles with a guaranty of 25 years and after 9 years the shingles started to warp. “
  3. “After only 10 years, the 25 year shingles were toast. “
  4. “We were halfway through our 25-year BP shingles when the roof started leaking. Weren’t able to get a penny from them.”
Additional BP Organic Shingle complaints may be found here:
The BP Organic Shingle factory warranty is here: [blog-url]/wp-content/uploads/shinglewarranty.pdf

The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.