Hertz Gold Plus Rewards Lawsuit Investigation

Audet & Partners, LLP is investigating claims by members of Hertz Gold Plus Rewards program the Hertz unfairly, and potentially illegally, modified the terms of the Gold Plus program in a way that eliminated already-accrued points.  Many of these already-accrued points resulted from engagement in a range of activities, many of which did not involve the renting of a vehicle.

In the past, terms of the Hertz Gold Plus Rewards Program had expressly stated that accrued points would be retained “as long as you have any Hertz Gold Plus Rewards program activity in the prior 24 months.  Activity means a Gold Plus Rewards point was either earned or redeemed.” Prior terms did not specify that qualifying activity was limited to car rentals.

Independent investigation of these claims suggests that sometime around November 2015, Hertz modified the express terms of its Gold Plus Rewards Program by changing qualifying program activity to program rental.  As a result of this change in terms, it is suspected that large numbers of Hertz Gold Plus Rewards members have now had their pre-existing points removed from their accounts.

The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.