Peloton Lawsuit Alleges Sale of Cycles Compromised by Rust and Corrosion

Peloton Class Action

Audet and Partners, LLP is investigating claims as part of a Peloton lawsuit that purchasers of the high-end fitness cycle were sold units that Peloton knew to be compromised by rust and corrosion.  Information has surfaced suggesting a scheme orchestrated by Peloton management labeled “Project Tinman” aiming to conceal this fairly widespread corrosion problem.  It has been alleged that per company mandate during the height of the pandemic, Peloton warehouse workers were instructed to apply a chemical “rust converter” over compromised parts in order to conceal the corrosion.  It is suspected that this literal “cover-up” may have resulted in several thousand cycles being sold of inferior quality with rust and corrosion that may adversely impact the duration and safety of the units sold for thousands of dollars.

If you have purchased a bike from Peloton over the past two years and have noticed premature rust and/or corrosion, you are urged to contact an experienced product liability attorney at Audet & Partners, LLP for a free, confidential case evaluation.  You can connect with us by competing and submitting the intake form on the right side of this page or by giving us a call at (800) 965-1461.