Class Action Law

class action law

Class action lawsuits combine strength in numbers to deliver results in court. A class action is an organized group of people who have sustained similar injuries, which lead to similar claims. In other words, rather than fighting every case individually, everyone comes together as part of one force.

The Representative Plaintiff always controls the claim. A Representative Plaintiff is chosen to bring a group of claims through a single injured party, which is believed to represent every victim in the class action lawsuit.

Essentially, the representative case made by the Representative Plaintiff is treated the same as every other case that is a part of the class action. A class action law firm will lead the charge in fighting for justice on your behalf.

Remember, mass torts are not the same as class actions. Mass torts are individual cases brought to court because they have the same legal grounds. While they share similar advantages, these are different practice areas.

Types of Class Action Lawsuits

Your class action attorney may fight for thousands of people at once while still keeping your personal justice at the forefront. Our company is in the business of helping ordinary people to get the settlement they deserve.

Some types of lawsuits our class action lawyers target include:


Employment laws are in place for a reason. Hiring lawyers for a class action lawsuit against a larger company enables you to ensure they pay for systematically violating employment laws relating to overtime, workplace benefits, discrimination, and more. The outcome of employment class action suits depends on how they are filed and whether the class members can clearly show the violations and potential damages suffered. That means you need to have great representation from experienced civil suit attorneys who can address the challenges that arise during the process.

Consumer Protection

State and federal consumer protection laws apply to communication services, debt collecting, and false advertising. Whether a large pharmaceutical company has misrepresented its product on television or you have relentlessly been harassed by spam messages in violation of FCC guidelines, you have a lawyer for a nationwide class action lawsuit when you contact Audet & Partners.

Defective Products

Defective and unsafe designs can cause severe personal injury to anyone who uses the finished product. Ensure you receive compensation for your injury with an attorney for a class action lawsuit who will relentlessly fight for you.

Some of the class actions we take include incorrect instructions, improper warning labeling, defective designs, and breach of warranty.

Toxic Chemicals

If you were injured due to exposure to a toxic chemical, whether in the workplace or in public, you must seek legal assistance. With the help of a specialized attorney, class action lawsuit challenges become significantly more manageable, as the attorney can help protect your rights and provide access to justice if a hazardous substance has caused harm. With the right representation, filing an environmental lawsuit is easier than ever.

Defective Pharmaceuticals

Bring in an attorney for a class action lawsuit when a pharmaceutical or medical device has injured you. These particular types of class action focus on the harm caused by a prescription, over-the-counter, or manufactured medical device.

Mild or severe injury and emotional distress are just some avenues your class action lawsuit attorney can take to maximize your settlement.

Consumer Fraud

Consumer fraud can arise from any sector. Some of the cases our attorneys for class action lawsuit litigation tackle include investment fraud, where the actions of a brokerage cost investors their hard-earned money.

Our class action lawsuit lawyers are adept at taking on other consumer fraud cases, including those from the banking sector. If you have been wronged, our class action lawsuit attorneys are there to secure the maximum settlements for everyone involved in the suit.

The Importance of Class Actions

Class action litigation is a legal process where a large group of people collectively sue a defendant for alleged wrongdoing. It can be used in a wide range of legal matters, from consumer protection to employment discrimination. Here are some of the key benefits of class action litigation.

  1. Strength in Numbers: One of the main advantages of class action litigation is the strength in numbers. By joining forces, plaintiffs can pool their resources, share information, and work together towards a common goal. This can lead to a more effective and efficient legal strategy, as well as increased bargaining power when negotiating a settlement.
  2. Access to Justice: Class action litigation can provide access to justice for those who may not otherwise be able to afford to sue a large corporation or entity. By sharing the costs of litigation, plaintiffs can pursue their claims without having to bear the full financial burden of the case. The likelihood of success increases when more members come together prior to submitting the claim.
  3. Efficiency: Class action litigation can be more efficient than individual lawsuits, as it allows for a large number of claims to be resolved in a single proceeding. This can save time and resources for both the plaintiffs and the defendant.
  4. Accountability: Class action litigation can hold large corporations and entities accountable for their actions. By bringing attention to widespread issues, such as defective products or unlawful employment practices, class actions can encourage companies to change their practices and prevent future harm.
  5. Deterrence: Class action litigation can also serve as a deterrent to future wrongdoing. When companies see the financial and reputational consequences of being sued in a class action, they may be more likely to comply with the law and avoid similar legal issues in the future.

Overall, class action litigation can be a powerful tool for plaintiffs seeking justice and accountability for alleged wrongdoing. By working together, plaintiffs can pursue their claims more effectively, efficiently, and affordably, while holding large corporations and entities accountable for their actions.

Class Action Inquiry

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