Huntington Beach Oil Spill Lawsuit to Address Concerns for Area Residents and Business

Huntington Beach Oil Spill Lawsuit

July 2022 Update: The Huntington Beach Oil Spill has been settled.  Please click here to view more information on the $260 million settlement.

Audet & Partners, LLP is investigating oil spill lawsuit claims on behalf of residents and businesses in the Huntington Beach area who may be adversely impacted by the oil spill that occurred in October 2021.  On Saturday, October 2, 2021, workers from Houston-based Amplify Energy Corp. noticed oil in the water.  It is preliminarily suspected that the leak emanated somewhere along a pipeline 4.5 miles offshore connecting the Elly platform to the coast.

It is thought that the spill may have totaled approximately 126,000 gallons of oil.

The oil spill had an immediate impact on the economy in and surrounding the Huntington Beach area.  Officials almost immediately canceled the final day of the three-day Pacific Airshow which is thought to generate almost $70 million in spending and several million in additional tourism revenue.  The day the spill was reported was also thought to be one of the busiest days in Huntington Beach history, with over a million onlookers visiting the shoreline.  The economic loss solely for the shutdown on Sundays is expected to be in the millions.

Initial projections anticipate that area beaches may be closed for several weeks.

If you are a business owner, homeowner and/or fisherman in the Huntington Beach area who will suffer negative economic impact as a result of the October 2021 oil spill, you are urged to contact Audet & Partners, LLP for a free consultation to evaluate your potential claims for economic loss.  You can contact us either by completing and submitting the intake form on the right side of this page, or by giving us a call at (800) 965-1461.