Mirena IUD Lawsuits
“The program overstates the efficacy of Mirena, presents unsubstantiated claims, minimizes the risks of using Mirena, and includes false or misleading representations regarding Mirena.”
Since Mirena IUD’s introduction into the market, many women have complained of, and suffered from, serious adverse side effects attributable to Mirena including:
> Abscesses
> Embedment of the device in the uterus
> Erosion of adjacent areas
> Infertility
> Migration of the device to other areas of the body
> Peritonitis
> Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
> Perforation of the uterus
If you, your wife, or a loved one, has suffered physical complications that may be tied to the Mirena IUD, please contact Audet & Partners, LLP by calling us toll-free, at 800.965.1461, or by filling out the simple and confidential form on the right hand side of this page. Please act now, since the law may limit your right to recovery if you delay.
Mirena IUD Irresponsible Advertising Continues Despite Rising Lawsuits
The amount of money a pharmaceutical spends on advertising its products doesn’t necessarily mean its products are safe. For example, drug giant Bayer, the maker of the Mirena IUD, has spent millions of dollars advertising its Mirena IUD contraceptive through TV and social media ads. The advertising apparently works – Mirena IUD sales reportedly topped $700 million in 2010. At the same time, women who have suffered serious complications after using the Mirena IUD including uterine perforation, miscarriage and even infertility are increasingly filing lawsuits against the company.
Mirena IUD Aggressive and Irresponsible Marketing
Mirena IUD Problems and FDA Adverse Reports
Mirena IUD Lawsuits
Miscarriage and Infertility Linked to Mirena IUD Prompt Lawsuits
At Audet and Partners, LLP, we are currently investigating potential lawsuits on behalf of women who have suffered complications from the Mirena IUD (Intra-Uterine Device). Sadly, there have been cases linking the Mirena IUD to miscarriage and infertility. Now women across the United States who have suffered adverse complications after using the device are now speaking out.
Mirena IUD Serious Injuries
Mirena IUD Lawsuits
Mirena Manufacturer Bayer’s Misleading Advertising
How to Get More Information
The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.
High Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy When Mirena IUD Fails to Prevent Pregnancy
Many women have become aware of the many adverse effects associated with the Mirena IUD contraceptive device caused by migration of the device which may result in perforation and punctures of the uterus. Despite this increased focus on the potential complications associated with the Mirena IUD, less attention has been directed toward the adverse effects of this form of contraception when it fails to prevent pregnancy. The risk of an ectopic pregnancy can be as high as fifty percent when a woman becomes pregnant while using a Mirena IUD.
The Mirena IUD contraceptive is an intrauterine device that prevents pregnancy. The device contains the hormone progesterone which prevents ovulation. The Mirena IUD also alters the lining of the uterus to interfere with implantation of a fertilized egg on the uterine wall.
Ectopic pregnancies that occur when a patient is using the Mirena IUD are not viable and such pregnancies pose serious health risks to the pregnant woman. If an ectopic pregnancy continues, it will rupture and cause internal bleeding. When this occurs, the woman may experience infertility and even death. Surgery must be performed if an ectopic pregnancy ruptures.
While ectopic pregnancies are serious complications, there are many other complications that may be caused by use of the Mirena IUD. Mirena can cause serious painful injuries that have a dramatic impact on the quality of life of the injury victim. Some other complications that may occur if you have used the Mirena IUD include the following:
- > Rupture of the uterus or uterine wall
- > Migration resulting in uterine perforation
- > Ovarian cysts
- > Pelvic inflammatory disease
- > Severe pelvic pain
- > Infertility
- > Perforation of the intestines
Mirena IUD manufacturer Bayer Inc. engaged in a marketing campaign that targeted “working moms” and offered to simplify their lifestyle. One aspect of this marketing approach included “Mirena Parties.” Nurse practitioners at these parties would use a script that suggested the IUD device helped women “look and feel great,” provided a simple way to “reconnect with partners” and encouraged partners to be “more and more likely to be intimate.”
The FDA sent a warning letter to Bayer in 2009 warning that these representations exaggerated the effectiveness of the Mirena IUD while omitting potential risks. Although Bayer discontinued Mirena Parties after the 2009 warning from the FDA, many women were persuaded to use the contraceptive device because of the effective marketing campaign that suggested a more convenient lifestyle and increased intimacy with one’s partner.
The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.
Common Questions (FAQs) Regarding Mirena IUD Lawsuits
If you used the Mirena IUD contraceptive device and suffered serious medical complications like pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine perforation, ovarian cysts, irregular bleeding and infertility, you may have a legal claim against Bayer, Inc., the manufacturer of this intrauterine device. Our defective medical product law firm is investigating legal claims that Bayer made false claims and misrepresented important facts about the Mirena IUD and failed to disclose potential medical risks. While you are free to contact our Mirena IUD attorneys for a free case evaluation, we have provided some answers to common questions, such as:
Why are there concerns about the medical risks of the Mirena IUD?
The Mirena IUD has been associated with serious medical complications like migration of the device causing perforation of the uterine wall and uterine lining. The failure of the device to remain fixed where it was implanted also has resulted in scarring, infections, abscesses, infertility and other serious side effects. In some cases, revisionary surgery is necessary to remove the device.
What did the company do that forms a basis for bringing a lawsuit?
Our defective medical product attorneys at Audet & Partners, LLP are investigating claims against Bayer based on a number of legal theories including that the company failed to exercise reasonable care in designing the product and failed to conduct adequate medical testing. We are also exploring claims that the company used misleading or deceptive claims in marketing the medical product. The product was promoted as providing a no fuss approach to contraception that promotes intimacy and closeness, but the Mirena UID actually inhibited sex drive for some users.
How common are injuries caused by the Mirena IUD?
An FDA adverse events report dated December 18, 2012 indicated that 45,000 women experienced complications from their use of the contraceptive device.
How should I proceed if I believe I suffered adverse effects resulting from use of the Mirena IUD?
If you used the Mirena IUD and believe that you have experienced adverse effects, our experienced defective medical product attorneys at Audet & Partners, LLP offer a free case review so that we can evaluate your legal claim against Bayer, Inc.
How many women have used the Mirena IUD and potentially been exposed to injury?
Because of the increased popularity of long-lasting contraceptive options, over two million women have used the Mirena IUD contraceptive device. Long-lasting IUD devices are now the contraceptive choice for one in ten women.
What types of damages might I be eligible to receive in a lawsuit?
Depending on the specific facts of your situation, you may be eligible to receive compensation for diminished earning capacity, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, medical expenses, impaired quality of life and other damages.
If you have suffered serious injuries or a loved one has died, our experienced defective medical product attorneys at Audet and Partners, LLP offer a free consultation so that we can evaluate your legal claim and advise you of your options. We invite you to call us at (800) 965-1461 or email the confidential case inquiry form on the right side of this page.
Misleading Marketing Alleged to Have Obscured Mirena IUD Risks
At Audet and Partners, LLP, we are currently evaluating claims by women who have suffered serious adverse effects caused by use of the Mirena IUD (Intra-Uterine Device). These complications are a result of the implanted medical device causing perforations and punctures to the uterus or migration of the contraceptive device through the intra-abdominal cavity. The Mirena IUD was promoted as an unobtrusive and hassle free form of contraception that is designed to be removed five years after implantation, the medical device has been linked to a range of medical complications that include:
- > Infection
- > Migration
- > Perforation
- > Expulsion
The Mirena IUD received approval from the FDA in 2000 and was promoted as a form of birth control that was a long lasting and reversible form of contraception. The device which was designed to be implanted in the uterus releases progestin levonorgestrel to prevent the release of eggs by the uterus. The implantation of the contraceptive device was also intended to interfere with the sperm and egg.
Our defective medical product law firm is exploring the basis for financial recovery by women who experience injuries caused by the device becoming embedded or puncturing the wall of the uterus. These types of injuries can lead to serious complications including scarring and infections. Surgical intervention may be necessary to address the problems. In some cases, the Mirena IUD may actually migrate through the wall of the uterus resulting in severe internal injuries and complications involving the intestines and other organs.
Lawsuits being filed across the U.S. allege that Mirena knew or should have known of the risk of such complications but failed to adequately warn women who used the IUD device. Allegations against Bayer, the company that manufactured the Mirena IUD, indicate that the device was marketed as hassle free resulting in misleading and distorted representations regarding the safety of the medical contraceptive device.
Promotional ads used to market the Mirena IUD like the “Mirena Simple Style” marketing campaign indicated that the use of the IUD would promote emotional satisfaction and intimacy while failing to disclose that one in 20 women who received the contraceptive device experienced reduced libido. These types of deceptive and misleading ad campaigns that failed to disclose risks associated with the device are a key component of product liability claims against Bayer.
The law firm is no longer accepting clients in this case.
Over 45,000 Reports of Complications Linked to Mirena IUD
The FDA received a total of 45,966 adverse event reports associated with Mirena IUD between November 1, 1997 and June 30, 2012. According to data gathered by AdverseEvents.com, Mirena was the primary suspect cause in 45,697 of these reports.
Audet and Partners, LLP Offers Free, Confidential Mirena IUD Case Evaluations
Audet and Partners, LLP, a national class action law firm with particular expertise in defective medical devices is now offering free and confidential case evaluations to victims of serious side effects caused by the Mirena IUD. Manufactured by Bayer and distributed since 2000, the Mirena IUD has come under heavy scrutiny by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in light of serious medical problems linked to the device in tens of thousands of women. These side effects may include abscesses, migration of the device to other bodily areas, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, and perforation of the uterus.